Take Action
You can make a difference.
Your donation allows us to connect people and create partnerships around the world. Every cent goes towards helping to find a treatment for Snyder-Robinson Syndrome.
Become a member
Becoming a member is an easy and incredibly useful way to contribute to our cause for free. Membership is the most tangible way to show how many people are in support of finding a treatment for SRS. The more members, the greater our chances are at securing grants and funding for research.
Join the Natural History Study
If your SRS loved one has not yet been registered for the NHS, we ask for your participation. The information we’ve gathered from NHS has provided an invaluable understanding of SRS that has allowed us to comprehend the scope of the disorder and all it’s related medical conditions.
Our SRS community is extremely small, and we wouldn’t be where we are today without volunteers. The more help we have, the better our chances are at improving lives. We are looking for volunteers to help us with community building, translations, fundraising, and other useful skills.